TITLE: quia pulvis es
E-MAIL: eli @ popullus.net
ARCHIVE: Ask, please.
POSTED: Nov. 2, 2006
SUMMARY: Everyone breaks.
AUTHOR NOTES: For Pouncer. She requested Spooks, "Adam. Ash and regret." Takes place during 309, and will make no sense if you have not seen that.

There's a mark, there, just above where wall meets floor. The flat line of it draws Adam when his eyes aren't locked on the monitor, studying the stark reveal of how very low humanity is willing to fall for the sake of what it believes in.

Morgan twitches, and leather scrapes up and down stone: the toe of Adam's shoe finding that mark again. Adam glances at it as its aspect changes and darkens to black, to mourning smeared across a...wall.

The siren stops. Morgan's breath hitches and Danny clears his throat.

Adam thinks, Damn it all, man, everyone breaks.


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