the beginning
Catch as Catch Can -- PG-13 | 14K
Summary: For Dean, anyway, it does start with 'normal'. With a lovely cover special-made by Tripoli. (March 27, 2006)

Three-Trick Pony -- PG-13 | 18K
Summary: Sam knows a little more than Dean would like. (May 10, 2006)

A Marvelous Faculty -- PG-13 | 17K
Summary: He didn't want to be there. He wanted to be gone. He wanted Sam to want to be gone. (May 19, 2006)

Between Days -- PG | 8K
Summary: It would've been a barrel of laughs until graduation, Dean figured -- the state of touchy truce would have stood, all balanced and safe -- if Sam hadn't taken that damn test. For Monkie. (June 5, 2006)

Say It This Often, and It Won't Always Come True -- R | 18K
Summary: Five promises, broken. With cover by Tripoli. (June 9, 2006)

The Water's Fine -- NC-17 | 26K
Summary: This is the third time he's returned, which makes it four times she's seen him, and god, Chris would laugh at her for keeping track. Supposed to be for the "Dean/Andrea, return" prompt in Signe's Porn Battle (the rematch). (June 13, 2006)

Step One -- PG | 9K
Summary: A simple name, but he didn't look that simple. First of two pieces, followed by Unasked, Unanswered. (July 2, 2006)

Unasked, Unanswered -- PG-13 | 10K
Summary: Dean knew what Stanford looked like. Second of two pieces, preceeded by Step One. (July 2, 2006)

Kite High -- PG-13 | 10K
Summary: Sam was giggling softly over on his bed. Silliness. (Aug. 7, 2006)

Black As She's Painted -- PG-13 | 8K
Summary: Five times someone who's not a Winchester drove the Impala. Written for Marinarusalka. (Aug. 30, 2006)

That's for Remembrance -- PG-13 | 10K
Summary: Five times Dean told someone his mother was dead. Written for Barkley. (Aug. 31, 2006)

In Absentia -- PG | 10K
Summary: Five things that Sam looked for in the trunk (after Jessica died) but weren't there anymore. Written for Hossgal. (Aug. 31, 2006)

In Truth Lies -- PG | 12K
Summary: Even -- or especially -- at school, always expect the unexpected. For the spn_flashback challenge, prompt 145: One of the boys is stuck writing 'What I did on my summer vacation' as an essay. (Sept. 5, 2006)

talk to mewhere I babblethe legal talk